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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One thing with Naruto Nara, is he is quite good at training medical shinobi.  Apparently, without even trying he has trained a group of them.  He was trying to teach kids self-defense.

Apparently, he passed fhe first two stage of the Chunin Exam without even being a Shinobi.  He didn't even know it was chunin exam.  It's not like him to start something he didn't finish.  So he's going to have to go down to the Leaf Village, and finish it.

So he doesn't know where the Leaf Village's money went.  But he is going to find out.  Because if people have been taking his money, he wants to know about it.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Personally, I'm sure that Naruto Nara could do alot of things with Sasuke and his crew.  Though as much as fun that would be, I don't think he should give people any reason to think of him as a criminal.   As much as the one who wields Zabuzza's blade might like it, that will come when he has an army to lead.

What I do think would be good would be to go see Putin.  I really think that, Sasuke and friends might want to have a talk with Putin about making a permant peace treaty with Japan.  It's really time that both parties got over there petty squabbles, and used their energy in more productive ways.

Also that way, Naruto Nara could train for his fight with Lady Snotie.  He needs to learn some new tricks before he faces her.  As they undoubtedly have done research into how he fights.  So it would be good to train in a different style. 

Though, I am starting to see Gonzu's point of view.  Getting so caught up in love probably does lead to fights.  Perhaps getting attached to things is not a good idea. 


Friday, May 14, 2010

One thing is that if the Leaf Village wishes to put Naruto Nara, then it should be a trial by combat against Lady Snotiae.  No one else should be involved.  No one else should have to die.  If Lady Snotae wishes to kill Naruto Nara she should do it herself, and not hide behind her subordinates.

If Naruto Nara survives then he should be considered innocent of all charges.  If he loses then justice will be done.  Afterwords he should be free to do as he wishes.

Naruto Nara has bore no hatred to the Leaf Village.  They sent him to the Land of Rice Patties after a man tried to kill him.  He fell in love with Lady Snotae's daughter.  He would have taken a bullet for her but she wanted to kill him.  If it had been her in the hospital, he would never have left her behind. 

They also sent a Village Elder who posed as his scout master.  His scoutmaster trained people who tried to kill him in scouts.  This Elder killed people and tries to frame Naruto Nara for it.

Though, Naruto Nara should sign a pack with some Chief animal.  If not the Chief Lion, then perhaps the Chief Eagle.  After all he has made alot of Eagle drawings.  That way if Lady Snotae pulls out Katsuya he will have a defence.

If Sasuke wishes to destroy the Leaf Village, it may be best to if he takes Naruto Nara to the Leaf Village to do this.  If the Lady Snotae is injured during the fight or killed she will not be able to defend the Leaf Village.  Therefore, it will serve his purposes.

If Naruto Nara goes down to the Leaf Village.  They will do the same thing they did to Itach Uchiha.  They will use him, and sacrifice him.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Perhaps, Kakashi would be a better teacher for Chika Nara then Sakura.  After all his father was the White Fang of the Leaf.  Also he was able to help Sakura, if only a little by teaching her the release.  Also then Sakura could teach Hinata some medical ninjutsu and Shino some medical ninjutsu.  Thought it's not my place to make those judgements.


With Jiraya gone, the Leaf Village is without one to teach sagejutsu.  Perhaps the Leader of the Sparrow could teach Sage Jutsu to the Village.  However, I do not think the Sparrow would like their Lord going on on missions.  He could be assigned quarters there.  Part of his salary could go to the Suzume family to improve things.

As such he could teach at the academy, working with children.  Their may be some who not cut out to be Shinobi, yet still may be useful in other capacities.  For example, the disabled child from the star village, the heir of the forbidden jutus, or the shining star of her clan.  Without his training what will happen to them?  These three are the perfect people to work with.  Since others would not want to work with them.  It would be better for Naruto Nara to work with kids with disabilities, orphans, or other problems.  As if there are less competition that way.

Also perhaps the children he trained from the local Dojo he taught at could be put on loan to the Leaf Village.  Atleast as long as the Atsuki are a threat.  That way, he could continue his teaching them.  If not for his Sagejutsu it is unlikely that they would have survived the Chunin Exam at all.   


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Personally, I think the Heir of the Forbidden Jutsu, might be better off without the Fobidden Jutsu.  For example, was the the Forbidden Jutsu the reason her clan was destroyed in the first place?  A black widow is killed because it is too powerful for it's size.  Better to start with a fresh start and not have to worry about people coming after her.   Even if she did rebuild her clan, how would she know it wouldn't be destroyed again with the forbidden jutsu?  Though there maybe another route to rebuilding her clan.  Perhaps she could become a battle maiden.  Then her descendants could have the men take their last name.  Though she would need a teacher for this.  Perhaps Naruto Nara could help with this.

The crippled one from the Star training, perhaps Naruto Nara could train him.  I've heard of people in wheel chairs getting their blackbelts.  If they could get through a blackbelt test perhaps he could be able to defend himself.  If his leg is weak, then the rest of his body will have to become stronger.  For example, I think that he ought to learn to stand on one leg for extended periods of time.  Perhaps bo staff training would be of benifit to him.  As alot of it would be useful with a crutch.  So what if he can't be a Shinobi?  I cannot go into the military.  So one must do what they can.

The Shining Star of her clan might be better off not being a Shinobi.  A shinobi's life can be quite short.  Perhps she can aid her clan in other ways.  For instance, perhaps she would be better off as a priest.  She would have a more prosperous life.  Also would not be in the danger.  As it might be best not to risk her life needlessly.  Indeed if there are fewer members of her clan it maybe best not to put her life at risk.  Being a priestess she could also help not only her clan, but her community as well.  It would help them regain their status.  Naruto Nara some of what he knows.  I think his sagejutsu may even help her medical condition.

One thing is if the Kitsu were to give Naruto Nara training and a day of choosing.  I think he would choose the name of Akodo Tendo.  As he was adopted into the Akodo family, he should use it.  Also Tendo, was a kitsu who certainly never really liked humans.  He never forgot what humans did to him.  But he was the first to forgive them.  He served his Lord as was proper.  He also respected his prey when they didn't respect him as a hunter should.  The spirit of Tendo also has a special hatred of the Tsuno.   

Something Kubuto should remember is that, Lord Orchimaru has said that "it is impolite to sneak up on someone who outranks you."  While I do not agree with Lord Orchimaru's policies, in this matter I agree.  So if Kubuto were to go see the Leader of the Sparrow, he may wish to keep this in mind.  As it would be rude to try and sneak up on him.   The Sparrow choose him to lead them, so technically that makes him a feudal lord. 

Though his medical ninjutsu may be of some use to the Leader of the Sparrow.  As it could aid many of his clan and others.  Though not being a Shinobi, the leader of the Sparrow clan cannot sneak into places.  Nor should he, as it would not be fitting for even a minor Daimyo of the weakest clan to do.  It would be best to meet in a neutral location.

Also he would like very much to prove his theories.  Kabuto would be useful in this matter.  As the Leader of the Sparrow clan always wanted to validate martial arts theories.  For example, the Leader of the Sparrow clan has been offered a million dollars for his cure for Schizophrenia.  If Kubuto could help him to prove his cure works, then they could split the money, with the Leader of the Sparrow clan's half going to the Sparrow clan.

It would be best for Kubuto to send the Leader of the Sparrow clan a Letter, Email, or other correspondance.  It would be good if there was some way the Leader of the Sparrow clan could communicate with Kubuto.  Also Lord Orchimaru, ought to be very nice to the Leader of the Sparrow clan.  As it would be in his best interest to court him.  After all, the Sparrow clan may be upset if anything were to happen to him. 

Another thing is that right now the Akatsuki are more of a threat to both the Land of Rice Paddies, and Land of Fire.  So it is in both parties interest to work together for the moment.  Though I think Lord Orchimaru is pursuing the wrong strategy against the Leaf Village to begin with.  Instead of trying to DESTROY the leaf village, he ought to be either making it obselete or transform it.    

Thursday, May 06, 2010

You know I played the Teen Titan's game on my PS2.  I really wish I had been able to get further in it.  Perhaps they can releash an new one.  I would be interested in playing.

Personally, I've always fantasized about having my own tower.  Thoough perhap it would be round at the top.  As I would not want to have a poisen arrow pointing to the sky.

Though it would be really cool to be part of the Teen Titans.  I think Raven is beautiful.  With her long black hair.  Perhaps she could understand me.  Though she's just a cartoon character.  

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Sunday, May 02, 2010

Perhaps Naruto Nara could take over Yakumo Kurama training.  She may not be able to be a Shinobi, however she may be able to do other things.  For example, his sage jutsu maybe able to help her overcome her illness.

He could also teach Naruto.  With Jiraya gone, who will teach him?  Also what is to stop the nine tail fox from running lose?  Naruto isn't yet strong enough to control him it.  Though perhaps Naruto should make a pact with it.  But he does have the Frog Sage.

Also there is one in the Star Village that could use Naruto Nara's training.  The one who walks with a cane.  Naruto Nara perhaps could use his sage jutsu to help him also.  Maybe he could come and train at the Leaf Village.  This might improve relations with between Villages.  So then perhaps Naruto Nara should focus on other students for the time being.

Also the Heir of the Forbid Jutsu could use his sage jutsu.  She may well be able to rebuild his clan if she knew it.  Yakuma Kurama, the cripple from the Star Village, and the Heir of the Forbidden jutsu of her clan could form a squad.  This squad could be under the direction of Naruto Nara.  These three could perform a combination barrior jutsu.  However, this would require that they be in synch with each other's energy.  They could be under the barrier corps.  Naruto's Nara's training as a scout may come in handy here.  The four of them could form a pentagon barrior.  However, it would have to be pretty strong to stop a tailed beast.

Naruto Nara could also work with Choji, Oni, and Hinata when he isn't working with his squad.  They would benifit from his sage jutsu.  Chika himself mentioned he was worried about Choji, Oni, and Naruto.  Personally, I think Lady Hinata's is as a woman ought to be.  She is kind, gentle, but also able to fight when necessary.

One thing is I think the Aburume clan ought to use their insects to fertilize crops.  That way they would be in demand of their services.  Indeed, they could do missions while they perform this function giving a cover for their shinobi activities.  It may allow them to operate in areas others may not.  Personally, I would like to make a pact with bees myself.

With Lady Tsunata, she must remember it is harder to live for someone then to die for them.  She must not throw her life away, haphazardly.  Of course, Naruto Nara could bring back her former lover, Nuwaiki, and Jiriaya as her daughters.  But what would he get in return?  He has brought back others, so why couldn't he bring others back?


Personally, I don't care much for zap.  I mean often times when the cards use it doesn't go after the cards I would really like.  It's okay if it's with some attack power behind it.  However, I do like it when a card has zap, zap.  I also like Flame.  Flame is especially handy when you have a lot of enemies on the field.  Or when your opponet is uing flying cretures.

One thing I do is use different squads.  If at first you don't succeed with one squad, send in another squad!  Though it would make the game more interesting if after a card went  to the discard pile, it was deleted from your cards.  Though I image other players might not like that.  So it might be better of in a different game or a "mode".  For example you could call it acid battery tournament.  But one thing is this would encourage people to use their squads better.  For example, they would have to plan change up there squad better.

One perfect example of this is that I have a card called earthworks.  It protects infrantry.  So it's best used with infrantry squads.  I also have another card that is useful to archers.  So I think it would be better to use squad that used the types that worked with these cards.

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