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Monday, March 29, 2010

So I am planning to give away some of the cards I don't use on My hope is that this help out other people. As they will be able to get cards they might want need. Also this way it will help Team Awakening. For example, I can use those credits to bid on wal-mart gift cards for the team. Then give them to James as prizes for the team when they go to the tournaments. That will be my way of contributing to the team.

Also I am planning to make up leather binders. However, I want to make it in a style people want. I'm planning to give these binders away as a way to market my leatherworking. Also to improve my leatherwork.

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So I joined Team Awakenings group page. I posted on it, and have started commenting on things. I'm going to start this off right.

I also talked to Chris on facebook. He seems cool. I told him some of my ideas. He seemed to like them. So we'll see how things work out.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So I made an image for Team Awakening today. I'm hoping James will like it. I could really see it on a t-shirt, or mug.

Also, I think the Team ought to be organized in Squads. For example if there are 8-10 people in a team, there could be four or five people in a squad. Then each of the cocaptains could pick a squad. Then they will be each squad's "sensi". They can help the get rides, help with cards, advise on decks, etc. That way, it will be less work for both of the captains.

Also then once they do get someone who can be a sensi, they can have more people. Also I don't think they should just take anyone on the team. They should have to win a turnament to be on the team. That way they will have genin status. Also they will be like they went through a test. Then if they win a chunin tournament then they are a chunin on the team, so on and so forth.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

On Team Awakening, members are given ranks. Personally, I think I should be a client. Since I haven't played at Tournaments. My strategy is this I'm not able to go to alot of Tournaments, so I need to maximize the tournaments I do get. So I want to play alot casually then when I do play tournaments. Then when I will be able to do better at them. Another thing is I could do higher ranked touranments too.

Personally, I think people on Team Awakening, Jounin's should be in charge of squad's of genin. That way it will be less work for Chris and James. Also Chris and James, should be Satoosa's, since they have their own team's.

Also I can buy cards in bulk and save money that way. Then whatever I can't use, James can use for Team Awakening. That way, I will be contributing to the team that way.

I've come up with a Logo for Team Awakening. I'm going to send it too James. Hopefully, he and chris will use it for the team.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I was thinking of selling my naruto cards, however I've decided to keep playing it for right now. So James Utterback gave me the cards back. I am going to try to join Team Awakening. It's a team that James and his friend Chris started.

They go to turnaments then divided up the prizes. That way everybody on the team get's a prize. Everyone body has a main deck type to play in tournaments. James is fire/wind. Other people's deck include a puppetmaster deck, a mental power deck, etc.

So me and James put together a Bykugan deck tonight. I took four cars out of my mental power deck and James gave me a bunch of cards. What it seems to do really well is hand control.

I played James Utterback's deep forest creation and his firewind deck and lost both times. But James was very encouraging with it. He said he thinks we can make it better. Some cards out.

James brother Michael also made a deck. A mono-water deck, I believe and it took a long time for him to make it. James and Michael squrred off using my deck verses Micheal's. James beat Michael two out of three times using my deck. I put in some Air Palm's and took out some 64 palm rotations.

Then James and Michael played a game Michael's mono-water deck versus Jame's growth deck. Well Michael beat James with his mono-water deck. However this help James improve his decks.

I'm hoping that people on the team can buy cards in bulk, and save some money. I had promised to buy a box with him, so I gave him a check for some money to buy a box with. That way he can go to Tournaments and might be able to bring stuff back for me. Also perhaps people on the team might be able to use some of the cards as well.

Another thing is I'm hoping Team Awakening can get a sponsor. For example, the entire team could wear t-shirts as advertising. A business may want to sponsor the team to get their name out there. For example, if the team goes to conventions to play tournaments that's alot of time people who will see us.

Also perhaps the team could do fundraisers. For example, collecting aluminum cans to sell for cash. That way it could help to pay for the cards. Also, that builds good work ethic.

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