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Friday, November 30, 2007

So I've been playing x-men legends 2. One thing is I found a place where the guys just keep coming. So I've been taking alot of the team their to level up. Then using a blink portal to go back to the x-mansion. So far all the guys are level 40+

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So I tried mining for silver in the colorado system. I think I make more credits doing missions then mining. Have to move to a new system for that though, since I want to make more money. There is a few ships I would like to get though, and weapons systems etc.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

So I looked up a guide on Freelancer. Apparently, after my mission I am now free to explore as I like. Still some new ships I can get, and stuff. Well, I was trying to take some scrap steel to a place and I got blown up. Oh, well, live and learn. Have to upgrade my ship and systems now.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I saw this article on digg. I think it is interesting for anyone considering game development as a career option. Personally, I hope with in the next ten years I will be able to do that.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So digging I found not one, not two, not three sites talking about the xbox 360 today. So I read in link one microsoft is going to incorporate social networking into the xbox 360. So I read on site tow they have an update planned with some new features. I read on site three that a person signed up for a child account, then when he became an adult it's still a child account.

So what does this mean? Well, their was some requests to use a browser on xbox 360. What I wonder is if microsoft instead of putting a browser into the xbox, is going to have their own version of the internet. It would be interesting if the social networking thing was based on the games people play, I think that would be an interesting twist. For instance, myspace does allow you to post video's. An interesting feature would also be to read books on 360, or maybe even view it as a router. What I think would be really neat, is in the future if you just needed an xbox live account, and microsoft had their own internet service built in. Quite frankly, most of the internet I'm better off with out.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

So in Freelancer, I reached the point where I should be going on the next mission, but yet I wasn't contacted by one of the characters. Then I replayed the game from the last mission and replayed it. Still no luck, so I'm feeling frustrated right now.

So here's a list of things that could be improved with freelancer:

1. More freedom in the plot, for example, the character's will say do this, but when you do it, the mission's over.

2. Wish I could join groups, such as the Liberty Military in the game.

3. Would like to have larger ships like cruisers or battleships or even have my own space station.

4. Would like to hire character's under me.

5. GOTO seems to go in the opposite direction most of the time.

6. Wish I knew which bases were hostile and which were friendly, so they don't shoot at me in the game.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

I was reading this about the xbox 360. One thing I was thinking about is if you could have regional servers, it could speed things up. However, most games don't need a server running all the time. If a server went down, for let's say maintence, then the customer's could use the next one.

Another thing is if one of the big costs of a mmorpg, is having the servers architecture. If microsoft could take care of that would make it a whole lot easier to develop games. For example, if they built that into the xns club, it would make it a whole lot easier.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I was playing freelancer on multiplayer over the internet. The thought occured to me, that too bad you couldn't use these two commands, for example when you were by yourself, run these ai's locally, connect with other players. Of course you would have to have someway of monitoring things.


Friday, November 16, 2007

So I started playing free-lancer on the internet. The interesting thing is you can also play it on a lan. Well, anyway, the interesting thing is each server has it's own mod.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

New PS2 coming out. Personally, I was hoping for some new features instead of smaller, and power adapter built into the system. For example, a built in harddrive would be nice.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Well, been playing freelancer on the pc. I see why this game didn't sell well. It would be nice to be able to skip cutscreens. It would save me alot of time. Started a new game, this time I make use of salvaging stuff from the missions. Sometimes I make more from the salvage then I do from the missions. heheeh


Friday, November 02, 2007

Been playing freelancer that just came in the mail. I like it alot, one thing is you can click on things, then the computer will do things for you instead of having to manually click things.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

So I found out today they have Brain Training for my cellphone. Tried a free for five minutes. I like it, and I won't have to get a nintendo D.S. to get it. I hope they have more "games" like that, for example flash focus.

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