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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Xbox live updates

I was reading this article on xbox live updates. For one thing, now a console maker doesn't have to come up with a new hardware design to have technical progress. So this eventually might slow the rate at which new consoeles are developed. The PS3 has enough power as it is for me.

One thing with new consoles is why don't they release it at let's say 1,000 dollars at a limited supply? Then cut costs every 6 months or so? I mean some people are willing to pay that especially if the supply is limited.

X-men legends and omnimushi

One thing I wish new games had improved is more ai dialog. Saying the same four phrases over and over and over, get's annoying.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Flight video game

How about this, you get shot down, then you have to survive. Maybe being chased by persuers.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

MMORPG advantage

There is one advantage with creating a mmorpg. That is, being a subscription based game, it's kind of a counter to piracy.

Network card for gaming

I was thinking, why don't some of these graphic's card makers make network cards for gaming? I mean having a good connection is really important in some of the online games.

Tetris Clone

I was thinking, puzzle a big market. How about a tetris clone based on programming? You could try and change the tree before it landed.

U.N. Squadron

One thought that occured to me is that as I got better and better with the game, I started using the beginning jet in a game I play more and more. However when I started I would buy each plane. If it wasn't for the need to get a particular plane because of a mission, I would use it the beginning plane probably throught the whole game.

Sony decision on the ps3

A few issues I have with sony. Well, for one thing, I think blue-ray was a good idea. But when it started holding back the project, it should have been put on the next console.

Another Lucas, a guy from Poland, told me sony should just had one platform. Personally, I've come around to agree with him. For one thing, having two platforms is more expense. With that you could ship a free game with the console. Or maybe have a coupon for a free game or download a free title or something.

One thing is, if it's not out in november, I'll try and see if I can swap my credit from a PS3 to a Wii. The shop will probably sell them anyway, so they might let me do it. There is one sale that sony might not get, and there will probably be more.

PS3 Last Mover advantage?

I saw an article that people don't think the PS3 will do well. They say it's the same games, and it's the same controller. Well one thing I think isn't being figured in is people like the familiar. Remember the N64 controller? No one else used it.

Personally, I think nintendo's controller is a neat idea. But let's face it, it's going to be different. So there is going to be a learning cure in using it. Personally, I don't care that they are the same games, so what? I didn't play the originals anyway. Maybe I'm not the normal person.

The only way to know is when it comes out.

PS2 versues PS3

I don't know if I will be able to get a PS3 since the business I pre-ordered it from doesn't know if they will be able to get them. So if I can get it, maybe I should sell it on ebay. If I can't get it, maybe I should just get a PS2. They are a hundred and thirty dollars, and 20 dollars a game. That's about as cheap as they are going to get.


So I bought a PS2, got four games with it. Had a little trouble setting it up. It was like a computer to setup.

I first tried Ready To Rumble boxing. More characters, more ways to train, more moves, better graphic's, and the have your own gym option is really nice. I'll probably play that more.

I've also been playing LOTR: The Third Age. It's beautiful, model look great, it's well designed, the environments are great. I really like playing a roleplaying game in LOTR story.

One thing I noticed is that it seems there is a visible wall in games. It's like "oh we don't want you to go there yet." One thing way it could be handled better is for example if a character is near a cliff, for the character to lose there balance or stumble back. Alot of the animations are the same but just with different effects. One thing is do we need four different ways to evade an attack?

Overall, though this is just style points. I'm having fun playing. I took a break from it for awhile since I wasn't getting any farther. Hopefully when I will come back to it I will beable to find what I'm missing.

One thing I've been thinking about is LOTR, is a textbook case about how Intellectual Property should be handled. For one thing, Tolkien put so much work into it, and it set the act to follow. Then people have expectations about it. They didn't come up with multiple endings. That's okay for an un-established franchise, but not one that has alot of material around it. If your going to have your own adventure, do it on the side, not change what's already been done.

LOTR: Inventory

One thing is could characters automatically equip items, that they are ment to have? It would save alot of time? Also why can't characters use this equipment? I was thinking another idea would be to have eipment like this:

Item Item Description Item Number

That way, you could see if it was for combat only, or what.

Playing LOTR: The 3rd Age has gotten me thinking. How about a Housekeeping: the RPG. The science fiction market has been done, and the fantasy been done, and both been done well. So humor hasn't been.

For example, attacks, you could have Wash on/Wash off, Squirt, Stock, ElbowGrease, and Vaccuum. For enemies you could have bedbugs, dustbunnies, greasespots, Mold. You could items could include soda's to replenish your energy and taking breaks. Then instead of dying you could be fired. Doors could unlock after you clean other doors.

LOTR: Graphics

I know some engines have a room, then pull all the graphics onto the screen. Well, that's good for tunnels or in dungeons but it's not good for outside. Perhaps with all this power, games could switch between modes so to do something else. Because sometimes it would be good to interact with one's invironment more. For example, sometimes you can't go into certain areas. Something I've been thinking about when playing LOTR.

Another thing is where items are placed. For instance having chests in the middle of nowhere may seem out of place. But chests in a abonadoned building, may fit right in.

One thing I like is how LOTR, handles multiple oponents. When one is defeated another one pops up. So, it's kind of interesting.


I'm playing an x-men game. I like it, one thing about games such as it is you get to xplore places you seen in the movies such as the Xaxier mansion. One thing though is all the load screens. I can definetly see where some more power would come in handy in playing these games.

One thing is the ps3 has five cores. Well I heard about intel having eighty cores on a chip. What would that do for a console?

One thing I wish is that hardware was backwards compatible. For example controllers, how much different is a ps2 controller from a ps1 controller? Or how about memory cards?

LOTR: Tips

Here are some tips for LOTR. They could also apply to other rpg games as well:

Save early save often. You don't want all that work you did to defeat the boss to go to waste do you?When in doubt go in one direction. When leads me to the next tip.When you hit a dead end go back in that direction.When tips 2 and three fail go back to places you have already been. Maybe you can move something now, or unlocked something that will allow you to go further.Don't be hasty to upgrade, some time newest isn't bestest.Manage your peeps. Managing your characters advancement and is crucial.
When you get frustrated go do something else. Yes there is another world besides video games.
One thing I wish is that there the characters could learn more stuff. Right now I'm kind of getting all the attacks I can. Most of the attacks are the same thing.

x-men legends: forges shop

So I've been playing x-men legends, alot. So I've gotten stuck on forges shop. I've been reading a guide on it from IGN. But it doesn't mention it. One thing I would like to see on the online thing, is user created guides. So one could stop the game, go online, look at the guide, post a question or comment.

The game has tech bits. Basically bits of technology, you can redeem these for stuff, like health potions from the healer, or equipment from forge. One thing is, I was thinking too bad the more tech bits you turn in the more stuff he makes. One thing I wish some of the things we more explorable such as mir island, even if there weren't enemies around.

I wish though I could equip x-men who I didnt' have at the moment because the inventory sometimes gets full.

LOTR: Maps

So in the LOTR: 3rd down, there is a feature where you can go back to previous levels. Well, I've been working on completing quests that I've missed. One of those is to find some runestones of the dwarves.

One problem I've had is the chest was under a stairway. While have a dot on the map helped find the chest with the runestone. It was kind of confusing because I thought it was above the stair way while there wasn't a chest there.

Another thing is sometimes these dots point you in the wrong direction. For example, when it's around a corner an you are in a dead end. Then you have to go around to find the objective.


Well I read an article on the PS3. Personally, the downloadable content isn't a big deal because I don't have high speed internet. I think it's a great idea. When eventually I do get it, I think it will be really neat.

Playstation 4

know you can play games now against other people. But can you play games against people 16 other people? One thing is, how much would it take to use a playstation as a server for a lan party? I mean it has most of the hardware necessary. If sony built in some more functionality, it could happen.

What would really be nice is if you could make your own mods on a pc. Then put it on the server. For example, if you made models, then if other people used them in there mods, you get a share of the revenue. One thing I would like to see is downloadable shareware on the console. Where you could try the games, and if you like it you could money for it.

Another thing is, how much more would it need to be a router as well as game console? I mean they added a dvd player on it? Why not add a wireless bridge? Sony could buy a router maker.


So i've been playing Omnimushi. I wonder when they are going to come out with Omnimushi the movie. I think they need a chinese hero in the next one. But who knows?

One thing I don't like about it is the camera angles. I was going to say that I could do the only one attack, however I'm not because I found out you could do more than one as you advance. Also what about jumping? But all in all I'm just knit picking.

Independants matching up with indepandents

Okay, we all probably know major motion picture licenses are out of the reach of most independant video game makers. So what about independant motion picture makers hooking up with independant video game makers? Maybe a website to get this going.


I got home today, and wanted to play on my n64. Well the memory card apparently isn't doing so hot so I couldn't. Maybe I should spend some money and get something that works when I want to play it because I don't want to spend my entertainment time messing around with stuff.

Quest 64

I bought Quest 64. Which seems interesting, different battle scheme then I've seen before. It's going to take some use too but it's seems alright. Basically, turn based, but there is an area you can run around in with your turn, and you have to aim. It would have been nice if it had an auto-targeting feature. Another feature I wish there was in game is a map in the game though.

Driving Education Game

How about this for a game. Different conditions to drive in for example, at night and a deer jumps out at you, or snowy weather and your car slides around, or it rains heavily and try to get through some rain only to be swept away, or manuever on the interstate with some big trucks that are trying to get places fast!

Competitive education

When I was in high school, we played a game in social studies where groups were nations and they tried to conquer other nations. When one person did school work, they got points. He is an idea, how about different classes compete against each other in an online game. That way, it might get exciting, because then there is competition.

Console wars

My take so far, Microsoft will make money, Playstation will make money. People will buy the playstation because it's the most powerful. Microsoft will either have to win or go home and next time retailers might put there stuff in back, at launch unless they pay for space. Playstation might be able to survive another lose. Nintendo is innovating.

Which, will I buy. Probably the xbox 360. But I'll wait till the price drops and bug fixes to come online. No I'm not willing to pay 460 with no game.

If I were microsoft and I was asking for 400 dollars for a system, I would include one or two games. Make the consumer happy, it might also solve the supply issue since if the game came with the system, then they would have a game they could play. Thing is with those one or two games, they need to be AAA titles, titles only available on x-box. Also at launch I would have some downloadables. Maybe through in a bridge for a router.

Here's a idea for xbox's next system call it, some geometric name, to go with 360.

That's right, the PS3 is going to have folding@home. Hmm... now if we could just get a tax deductiong for contributing...